16 October 2010

Spending time in the grassy garden

We have had a very few beautiful spring days and this day happened to be the day after Luke's party.My mum had bought him a shell and some sand so the boys can play in the sandpit. It was quite warm so I put a bit of water in the shell instead. Luke was hot- can you see his rosy cheeks :) he stepped in the 'pool' shoes, socks nappy and all. Blake at least took of his pants and shoes. They had a lovely time out in the grassy garden, during spring we hope to get a bit done out there. I probably wont be able to plant a lot till Autumn but it would be great to get the areas sorted out and a basic plan organised I took out a large basket with some fruit, cupcakes and water for the boys. Luke loved the cupcakes :P
Blake loves fresh strawberry's

I am hoping to change things up a bit here and share more of our lives as well as things that I have made. Hopefully this will mean that i have a bit more to blog about.
ps. to anyone who read the post that i deleted- screw grumpy people!!!!!

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