9 January 2012

An Award

Sami Awarded me the ABC award, Thanks Sami! I'm not going to be passing it on but as part of the award I am to share an abc of things I love, so here goes:
A- Amy, but I prefer Amie
B-Banana's (yup we were the people buying them when they were $15kg)
C- cupcakes!
D- Dancing crazy with my boys.
E-eating dinner with Paul.
F- fresh flowers esp. from the garden
H- handmade
J-Juice, home-made orange
K- Kissing ;)
L- Luke and Blake.
M- Making things.
N- nice happy people
O-October,my birthday month.
P- Paris, I have wanted to go there for forever.
Q- Quiet time without my boys, sometimes I just really need it.
R-Recipes, simple ones.
S-Soaking in the bath for a really long time with lots of bubbles
T- Thankful
U- Under water goats, just for Paul.
V-very cute boys (mine)
W-Wednesdays cos they are hump days.
X-eXstreamly crazy laughing sessions 
Y-Yes, I too often say NO
Z- Love the way you sign Z

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