19 July 2012

The Best Snippet

Hi! I am finally starting to feel like me again and we are getting back into the grove again.

 A few days ago I came across a diary that I started a little over a year ago, it was like a sentence a day journal but I knew that I wasn't clever enough to fit all I wanted to say in just one sentence so it was just a few short sentences  to sum up the best part of my day.
Sometimes it was just something that the boys said or did and sometimes it was more. As Paul and I read through I was wishing that I had stuck with it!
 Yes it only focused on the good that happened that day but that was what  was so special about it. I was thinking that I would love to start doing that again! Since my blog is severely lacking lately I thought this might be a good place to do it. Just the best snippet of my day, once a day (when I can), as often as I can.
Of course my normal posts will happen too but I thought this would be something nice to share here.
I will also be sharing some photos from the very lovely  Fairy Lea-Anne very soon!

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