5 October 2009

A page, A bag and A cake

Friday I got a bit sick of having all this girly scrapbook product that i cant use, so I just went for it with this Lukey Kookie page I managed to embellish this bag at the end of last week
This weekend it was my nephews 2nd birthday and this week it is lukes 2nd birthday - they were both born a week early and they were still exactly a week apart. Anyway a cake was made but it didn't turn out , so I decided that i would try to make one....Paul and i had a talk about cakes and we had different ideas so we ended up having a bit of a competition and ended up with two cakes-which was good because we had two boys birthdays, it worked ok in the end :)

This was my first time making a cake like this so i was happy with how it turned out :)


Unknown said...

Cute bag, and that cake is GREAT!

Simon Scales said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Luke!!!!! give him a high 5 for me :)