28 November 2012

Life Happens

I know, long time no see. I have had a big computer break. I really have a lot to catch up on, I would love to share my trip to NYC with you. It was the most amazing 10 days of my entire life and I have to say I love New York! Also since we had put out over 100 sprinkle packs and had no response I have updated them, I was hoping to do this before NY but oh well it just didn't happen. The lead up to NY was kinda crazy with stressing about the hurricane then the snow storm and Paul rushing himself off to emergency after he cut his finger wide open. Also we had a diagnosis for Luke ......since all the people in my life who need to know now know I am happy to share with you. It is Autism. I am glad that we now have some direction and I am sure that I will continue to share our journey here. Luke is still the beautiful happy loving healthy boy he has always been, now we know, for me there is a sense of relief and a knowing that we may have a little more support, we can also be more specific about what his needs are and where we will head from here.
I am looking forward to the Christmas season, we always put the tree(s) up on the 1st and I am looking forward to sharing that with the boys this year. Also really looking forward to it because Luke has more of an understanding of it this year. So there is lots to look forward to.....coming soon NYC photos !!!  :)

1 comment:

Sami said...

Don´t know if the news about Luke´s autism is good or bad for you, but I suppose knowing what is wrong with him helps in knowing what to do and in searching for ways to help him. Keep up the good spirits, you have 2 lovely boys.